Category: Painting

  • Fleet Troopers

    Got inspired over the weekend and worked on painting up my Rebel Fleet Troopers. Overall, I am rather happy with them. I also spent some side time to film the various stages, I am working on video content for that as well, if I can settle on a format that I am comfortable with –…

  • Wraithbone Alternatives

    In an effort to find a more cost-effective base coat paint for use with Contrast paints, we spent some time this weekend finding several similar shades of spray paint to the official Citadel Wraithbone. At this point, I have an official can, and 3 alternatives ranging from 50% to 75% cheaper. Assuming they work and…

  • Mummy

    Without touching any of the usual mummy-related jokes, I present the most recent foe the Carrion Crown group encountered. This ancient corpse was hiding in one of two sarcophagi, waiting for the group to engage and be distracted, before emerging to attack. Unfortunately, the group was more than capable and quickly dispatched the creature –…

  • Obi-wan’s Army

    Highlighting a bit of my son’s force with the Galactic Republic, as his entry into our Skirmish league. With some encouragement, he has been racing to paint his entire force, and managed to complete all figures except 1 in time (a single solo white primed rocket clone). He opted to paint them in the color…

  • A-A5 Speeder Truck, phase 2

    Decided to get a bit more complex on the Speeder truck, and paint specific sections and stripes. Using some tape, I was able to block off several key sections, then highlight them with paint using a piece of sponge. Opted for complementary colors – some dark green (Army Painter Elf Green), black, and a bright…