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Revised Paint Rack design and Lightburn files

Had a bit of inspiration yesterday and have been working to revise my previous paint storage rack. The prior design was workable – I have several on my desk currently. However, it was based around 1/8″ plywood, and rather finicky to assemble. As one of my earlier laser cutting designs, I would say it was “primitive”. But the plans are available on Etsy, and it is a functional piece.
Since then, I have more experience with the laser, and can easily cut 1/4″ MDF core Maple, which is much stronger, more consistent, and just better quality. Perhaps a bit more expensive, but for the projects I am doing, not unreasonable. With the added strength, I wanted something to consolidate a couple of the existing sets I have, rather than spacing them over multiple racks. Specifically, I was looking at my complete set of Army Painter Air paints, which come in at 156 dropper bottles.
With a bit of math and calculations, and given that the standard arrangement in colors is sets of 3 or 6, I opted for 13 rows of 12 hexagons, arranged in a single sheet. This conveniently fits the laser cutter well, with minimal waste. By angling the tray, it requires minimal desk space. And conveniently, the design gives two options for orientation, either a steep minimal space, or a flatter layout. Dropper bottles fit in either upside down or normal, with a cutout on the bottom piece for the nozzles. I also added a piece to the bottom edge, which allows for brushes and other small objects, which I always seem to have a need for.
Using the same basics, I also created a set sized for Citadel pots, and was able to fit 90 bottles in cleanly, which I believe is pretty close to a full set of Contrast Paints (which I also need storage for).
I am currently fine tuning the design and cutting a couple prototypes for myself. Once completed, this will be added to the existing Etsy digital design file (free update for any previous purchases), as well as a pre-cut physical option if anyone is interested.
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