Author: Halfling13

  • Mothership


    As Halloween approaches, we enter into our annual one-shot season for our gaming group. Typically, this time frame is challenging with schedules, so I plan for several games that are shorter, without the long-term commitment of our other campaigns. This also gives us a chance to try out some alternative games, without necessarily being too…

  • Movie suggestions

    With my recent attention to the Bolt Action wargame, I have rekindled some interest in the North Africa theatre of WWII. As a result, I have been looking for any movies or media that is worth watching in that setting. Admittedly, most of what I am finding is very old – most of the Hollywood…

  • Tabletop Wargames

    Tabletop Wargames

    Managed to get in a couple of games on Sunday, processing now for the battle reports hopefully by Friday. First up was a rematch of my Rebel forces with Ben’s Empire force, revised to version 3 for the units. He dropped the Dark Troopers, and opted for a fully loaded AT-ST, which was a serious…

  • RPG sessions

    RPG sessions

    This week we have new sessions coming for both the Pathfinder 2e Kingmaker campaign, as well as our ongoing Warhammer FRP The Enemy Within storyline. Both as usual will be available Friday morning. I am happy to see our audience has grown slightly again, with a larger number of views on recent episodes. Our Traveller…

  • Wargame Widgets

    Wargame Widgets

    If you play tabletop strategy games, you likely know the challenge of identifying different squads of infantry. Either the models are the same build, the weapons are similar, or the painting is similar, and when the units get bunched together, it is hard to separate which soldiers go with which squad. Or you don’t have…