Category: Painting

  • Geonosians


    Last Friday, the new Geonosian expansions for Star Wars Legion were released, and as a challenge, the family inspired me to acquire and paint the figures before the end of the weekend. Challenge accepted, the painting wasn’t really that difficult, though I admittedly cut several corners. The harder part was assembly, the models are multiple…

  • Shoretroopers

    Got a bit of inspiration, and opted to dive into more painting this weekend, completing a unit of Shoretroopers (minus the mortar). This is a unit that has been sitting for a while, but with a recent request for an Imperial Remnant army, I felt it was time to knock them out. I was rather…

  • Star Wars Legion Speederbikes

    Some of the oldest figures I have had for the game (they came with the initial starter box) is the unit of Speederbikes. After all this time, I managed to finally give them a proper coat of paint, without covering the transparent post. Paint method is very similar to my scout trooper process (Apothecary White,…

  • Legion painting

    Been doing a bit of painting recently, trying out a few new techniques, and managed to finish up a number of Empire units. First and most importantly is finally painting Darth Vader. Especially for how simple the color scheme is, I really should have done this one much earlier. Primary color is just a basic…

  • Drybrushes

    On the topic of painting, I have been recently working on improving my painting techniques. In general, I use Citadel Contrast Paints for most (or even all) the basic colors on my miniatures – they work well and make the process quick. They are not necessarily competition level, but certainly very good for tabletop games,…