Got inspired over the weekend and worked on painting up my Rebel Fleet Troopers. Overall, I am rather happy with them. I also spent some side time to film the various stages, I am working on video content for that as well, if I can settle on a format that I am comfortable with – that would provide at least a color guide. I do not claim to be skilled enough to do a full tutorial, but perhaps I can inspire someone else to take the basic steps.

Almost everything was done with Citadel Contrast paints, with only some texture paints for the base, and traditional paints for a detail or two. Entire unit, including filming, was only about 4 hours, so these are very much doable by anyone in an evening. The hardest part, as normal, is just getting started. Once you pick the color scheme, pick up the brush and start applying paint. Worse case, you re-prime and start over (reference Stormtroopers…). Best case, you complete another unit or model.

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