Tag: Rebel Alliance

  • Legion Battle Report 085

    Legion Battle Report 085

    Our latest battle report is uploading and processing on YouTube currently, available immediately for members, or on Friday for everyone as normal. This was a step back for our group, a chance to help one of our players really learn the tricks and tactics of their chosen faction. Andy is one of our friendlier players…

  • T-47 Airspeeder

    T-47 Airspeeder

    Second of my most recent projects is finally painting the T-47 airspeeder, something that has been basic grey since I first started with Legion. This was painted in Army Painter Spaceship Grey, with Citadel Black Templar contrast on the rear end and any mechanicals, as well as the windows to blacken them out. Using some…

  • Legion Episode 029

    Another week, another battle report for Star Wars Legion. This time the Rebel Alliance is taking on the Grand Army of the Republic. Leia and Sabine are leading a force of Rebel troops, including Tauntauns and several squads of Fleet and Rebel Troopers. They face the Republic, led by a Wookie Chieftain and leading several…

  • Fleet Troopers

    Got inspired over the weekend and worked on painting up my Rebel Fleet Troopers. Overall, I am rather happy with them. I also spent some side time to film the various stages, I am working on video content for that as well, if I can settle on a format that I am comfortable with –…

  • Legion – Republic vs Rebels

    Episode 6 of our ongoing Star Wars: Legion Battle reports should now be posted and live on YouTube. This is a Breakthru battle between Republic and Rebel forces, set during Limited Visibility, and using Long March deployment. George was our Republic player, using a slightly adjusted Rex force focused on rapid deployment. His units managed…