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Discord Participation

While reviewing the recent Patreon adjustments, I realized that we probably have been overly restrictive on our Discord server. This is intended as an open forum for gaming related discussions, and visibility at the schedules and behind the scenes activities. There have always been a few links available for open invitations, but none really openly published.
Going to make a change with that, and push the public invites a bit more. This doesn’t give a lot of rights, except to join the server, view messages, and participate in some of the conversations. You will automatically come in as a Guest membership, and once you drop from the server, the account will be purged. But this should allow followers the ability to join the conversation, ask questions, or otherwise interact with our team.
Of course, Patreon covers more permanent membership, including higher level tags and access. And as we add members to our gaming team, we grant access thru that as well.
If you are interested, use the Social Media link on the right, or the link below: