Tag: Patreon

  • Discord Participation

    Discord Participation

    While reviewing the recent Patreon adjustments, I realized that we probably have been overly restrictive on our Discord server. This is intended as an open forum for gaming related discussions, and visibility at the schedules and behind the scenes activities. There have always been a few links available for open invitations, but none really openly…

  • Patreon updates

    Patreon updates

    Making a change on my postings to Patreon, to take advantage of some new features. Specifically, I am going to start posting our video previews as Video links rather than Text articles. In the past, I would create the post, then provide a link to the unlisted YouTube video, with a screenshot from the video.…

  • Woodworking – the Paint Rack

    I have finalized my design for a paint rack, and have been actively cutting the parts. The overall design is large, but is mainly so that I can hold all the various paints I have collected. Cut from 3mm plywood, the assembly is fairly fast and easy, and the structure is surprisingly solid once together.…

  • Patreon free trial

    Patreon has just released the option for a free trial membership. Not sure how motivational that would be, but I have enabled it for a couple of our tiers. Ultimately, it is really just showing support for the channel, group and content, but you can view our videos early for a bit. This also would…

  • Dust settling

    At this point, I believe the new template and construction should be done, I am rather liking the new look for the site. I spent a lot of time yesterday consolidating and eliminating outdated material, and re-organizing the menu of topics around my various activities. Hopefully this is helpful to find what you might be…