New content arriving tomorrow

A lot of new content publishing to YouTube tomorrow, with the first part of our Legion tournament finale (Empire vs Rebels). This ended up being a 3v3 1800 point mega-battle, so we are breaking it into multiple sessions due to the length. Rounds 1 and 2 will be available tomorrow.

New sessions of both Warhammer and Pathfinder will be available as well, as we resume both campaigns. In Pathfinder, the group is rapidly approaching the conclusion of the Carrion Crown campaign, if they can survive the last few challenges. In Warhammer, the group plots within Middenheim are reaching their climax, and the group has started an assault on the Son’s of Ulric cult.

As always, Patreon members have immediate access, everyone else can view the content on Friday.

As a side note, the Mastodon federation should be live again, so that communication path is reconnected now.

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