Tag: RPG
RPG sessions
This week we have new sessions coming for both the Pathfinder 2e Kingmaker campaign, as well as our ongoing Warhammer FRP The Enemy Within storyline. Both as usual will be available Friday morning. I am happy to see our audience has grown slightly again, with a larger number of views on recent episodes. Our Traveller…
Stress Mechanics
Following the recent Gencon convention, I obtained a copy of Mothership, which is one I have been considering for quite some time. I have heard a great many good things about it, and I am always looking for newer systems with unique twists to the game. Happily, I was not disappointed, and I am working…
As mentioned yesterday, I obtained the Mothership RPG following Gencon (ordered directly from Tuesday Knight Games, since I could not obtain it at the convention). I only have the PDFs for now, the physical books will be a week or two, but from what I am reading thus far, I am really impressed. I had…
The Song of Larry Leggs
In our ongoing Warhammer FRP campaign, we have a mythical Bogtopus known as Larry Leggs (called that by the locals), which exists in the Schadensumpf swamp west of Middenheim. This creature has existed for a very long time, preying on creatures and beasts of the swamp, and occasionally roaming out for other sources of food.…
Kingmaker – into the Stolen Lands
A surprisingly strong view count of our most recent Kingmaker session, with the start of the Wilds showing very strong viewership as of this morning. Perhaps the algorithm finally hit the mark, but I suspect it is mainly the “Kingmaker” name and association with Pathfinder. Regardless, welcome to all the new visitors, and my appreciation…