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Star Wars: Legion Line of Sight

This past weekend, one of our players attended a local tournament, and offered to spread the word of our channel and efforts. With appreciation, I engraved a set of order tokens for him, using our Logo for the back image, and the unit type for the front image. These worked well, and it had a few other players interested, but we didn’t actually have anything to give away.

A bit of brainstorming later, and I have settled on “line of sight” indicators as a give-away. These are simply to create, inexpensive to produce, and useful for all players. As a bonus, the backside is a blank slate for a qr code to direct people to our youtube channel.
After a few test runs, I have settled on a design and with a bit of pattern replication can easily cut 50 in a single batch – more than enough for most local tournaments, or for anyone interested.
If you encounter any of our group out and about at various events, ask and we can likely hand some out. I am going to work to make sure all our players have a collection, for any future events or contacts. The design may shift over time, but the basic concept will likely stay the same.