Tag: schedule

  • Consolidated video releases

    Experimenting with some timing changes, and will be consolidating the release of the various video content. I had previously set Friday for the release of any new Legion battle report, but our various RPG sessions released typically the night or day after the session. Moving forward, I am setting all of them to go-live on…

  • Travel

    Not much to say today, except that I did manage to reach the 100-subscriber mark on Sunday. Since then, the number of followers has continued to grow, which is great and welcome. I enjoy all the feedback being posted on the videos and have corrected a few rules interpretations that we are doing wrong. More…

  • Subscriber update

    The slow march of subscriber growth continues on, and I am happy to say that due to our recent Legion content, the channel is starting to grow more rapidly. On average, we have added 1-2 followers per day, which isn’t quite viral, but certainly very encouraging. We are even rapidly approaching my first personal milestone,…

  • Schedule Shifts

    Going to be a bit of disruption in our regular gaming schedule over the next week or two, due to Band Camp commitments with several of our players. As such, the Carrion Crown campaign is being postponed this weekend, and the Enemy Within campaign next week will be similarly delayed. In place of those streams,…

  • Schedule Ramblings

    Due to ongoing scheduling challenges, we have had to move around our calendar. The Extinction Curse game this last Sunday was cancelled, and the Warhammer game this week is similarly postponed. Extinction Curse will be on July 17 next, and Warhammer will hopefully resume next week on July 13. Currently, we only have the Carrion…