Twitch Conversion

So, after quite a few months, I am going to try out moving our RPG livestreams to Twitch, instead of YouTube Live where it is currently. This functionally doesn’t change my workflow or setup, except for the streaming target. However, I am finding that being a (very) small streamer on YouTube, there is likely just no interest or ability to find the content. Twitch is instead designed for exactly this and have a far larger audience. Maybe it will generate some small interest, likely it won’t. But it will be another step in the learning process.

The archives will still end up on YouTube, I still intend to upload the broadcast after the fact. This will give me a chance to do some basic video cleanup as well and post it in a more traditional format.

The change will also let me branch out into our other gaming efforts, perhaps with some Legion, Armada, or X-Wing streams, or even PC gaming.

For those interested, you can visit us at Twitch (or my 3d printing entity at Twitch). Or continue to follow the content on YouTube.

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