Tag: Prusa

  • PrusaSlicer profiles

    As commented before, I have been working on converting to using PrusaSlicer for my 3d printing and slicing. This has the advantage of a stock, supported configuration for the i3MK3s. However, it has required quite a bit of adjustments to the configuration, in order to run “well”. I continue to have challenges with supports, especially…

  • The Razorcrest

    As part of my growing terrain collection for Star Wars Legion, I opted to 3d print a scale model of the Razorcrest from the Star Wars Mandalorian series. This was a pretty long print, even with the low infill, but the model ended up pretty good. It is perhaps a bit too small and out…

  • Clorehaven Tavern

    Working on my next large terrain project, and decided to tackle the Clorehaven Tavern build. This is similar to the Watch Tower and Barn projects, though from the size much larger in print volume. Most likely, I will need to break each floor into several pieces, since the MK3 simply can’t print that large. Similar…

  • Revisiting the Tower again

    In my ongoing effort to 3d print terrain for gaming, I am continuing to evolve the previous tower project. I was able to print all of the files, enough to assemble a piece-meal tower with component parts – all of which fit well and had good quality. That was shortly before the holidays, and my…

  • Printer corrections

    Since I received, built, and have been using my new 3d printer, one of the challenges it has faced is the reliability of the filament sensor. Admittedly, this is one of the big selling points for the Prusa i3 MK3s – the filament sensor auto-detects filament and can pause a print when it runs out,…