Revisiting Batman

Sometime ago, I printing a 3d model of a Batman statue, on my prior printer. Since then, the model fell a few times, and the PLA was damaged. With the new printer, and my Marble filament (which I am liking quite a bit), I figured it was time to revisit this print and re-create it.

I have just about settled on an arrangement now for Octolapse which gives me a good timelapse, and a solid camera to take quality pictures. As a result, I think the timelapse is quite a bit improved compared to previous efforts. I am hoping to continue this with future prints.

This was done on my Prusa i3MK3s, running a 0.4mm nozzle, with 0.2mm layers. The infill was set at 10%, and the extruder at 215 degrees C. The filament is Eryone Marble PLA.

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