Tag: Carrion Crown

  • Miniatures give-away

    Gave away the first set of miniatures from our Carrion Crown campaign during the game this weekend, to the current players of the storyline. Since there was only two comments, the giveaway was simple – I gave them the option of how or if to split the figures. They opted to amicably split the pieces,…

  • Carrion Crown latest

    Another session of the Carrion Crown campaign, and the group finds themselves embroiled in a werewolf murder mystery. Deep in the Shudderwood, the group is staying at Ascanor Lodge, and indications are that a werewolf is on the grounds, killing a new victim each night. Video is now posted on YouTube, and ready for review.…

  • Carrion Crown – Broken Moon

    Although we ended up several players short due to scheduling conflicts, we managed to kick off Chapter 3 of the Carrion Crown, with the Broken Moon section. As the group discovered early on, this chapter’s focus is on werewolves, specifically located in the Shudderwood region. At the end of the last chapter, the group was…

  • Trolls

    As planned, we continued our most recent Carrion Crown campaign this weekend, and as planned, we Twitch streamed the game. Overall, no major issues with that, though as expected the audience was non-existent. Maybe that will pick up, maybe it won’t, not really a big factor since it is more of a curiosity. Following the…

  • The Verdict is in…

    With our most recent Carrion Crown campaign session, the group reached a major milestone, and finally concluded the trial of the Beast of Lepidstadt. The first few days had been a bit hit and miss, and the trial was not going well. However, on the last night, the group started to follow up on many…