• Pathfinder’s Rise of the Runelords campaign

    Not that I have been posting for a while (what with the dead site and all), but I have been actively running a brand new group of players thru the Pathfinder campaign module The Rise of the Runelords, since approximately June 2016.  It started out as a small group of my son’s friends, and rapidly…

  • Twitter is tweeting again

    With the restart of the site, it was necessary to re-establish the Twitter link.  If you wish to follow site updates and other miscellaneous news, feel free to follow me on @Halfling1101 (binary 13).  If you are following, you should get a tweet whenever there is a site update (I rarely tweet directly).

  • Another restart 🙁

    So after several months, I have finally seemed to get a handle on the technical difficulties, and get my miscellaneous website up and running again.  In the process, I have lost all the prior content, and have lost several months of time.  I would claim this is due to the difficulty, but in truth it…


3d Printing Age of Ashes Armada battle report Black Plague Carrion Crown computer Empire Extinction Curse Gaming Hero System Legion Painting Paizo Pathfinder Pathfinder 2e Podcast Rise of the Runelords RPG schedule Separatists Shadowrun Star Wars Terrain video website wordpress X-Wing youtube Zombicide