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Category: Star Wars Armada
Warfare Wednesdays
With my local group, I have started a series of games on Wednesday, which I am titling as Warfare Wednesdays. These are intended to be exclusively wargames – Legion, Armada, X-Wing, or similar games, able to be played with a small group and not take up multiple sessions. Last week, we played a 400 pt…
Star Wars Armada – Salvage Run
With the recent Labor Day holiday in the US, I had the chance to revisit a favorite game with my son and play some more Armada. In truth, it was originally planned to be a game or two of X-Wing 2, but during assembly we discovered that several of the key pieces have gone missing.…
A whole new space
Following on my acquisition of the Twilight Imperium mat, I opted to add a new Star Wars: Armada mat, using the same grippiness. This will hopefully minimize the shifting of pieces during the game, and provides an alternative graphic. The mat was purchased thru Break From Reality Games in Seattle, and (unlike the prior one)…
Revised schedule
With the start of the school year, and associated Football and Marching Band commitments, we are altering our existing gaming schedule. The Warhammer RPG campaign is the unfortunate casualty, this campaign was going strong, but is being mothballed for the time being due to no room in the schedule. After November, when the schedule settles,…
The Force is strong…
As part of our overall move, we of course had to pack everything up, and the majority of the gaming supplies ended up in storage for quite a few months. Now that we have moved in, and most has been unpacked, I was struggling a bit with my Star Wars Armada and X-Wing collection. I…
Star Wars
During this extended transition, I have continued to be active collecting and preparing for my various Star Wars games, to include Legion, Armada, and X-Wing. For Legion, beyond collecting a number of additional expansions, we have branched out into the Clone Wars expansion. Those forces are limited to just the core set thus far (the…
Managed to enjoy a game of Star Wars: Armada this weekend, introducing a couple of new players to the game. The fleets were fairly basic – I intentionally limited the number of upgrade cards to make it easier to absorb. However, this lead to quite a few ships on the field, since less upgrades certainly…
Expanding Shopping List
In a bit of good news/bad news, Fantasy Flight just posted a full list of their new January releases. This brings some long awaited expansions for several games I collect and play, but also brings a newly lengthened wish list for the same. Star Wars: Legion I am neutral on for these new pieces –…