Author: Halfling13

  • Terrain painting

    Terrain painting

    Haven’t posted in a few days, thanks to a busy work schedule, editing schedule, and US holidays. With our most recent battle report, we managed to show off our recently painted terrain – I have been spending some evenings catching up on the old sets and pieces so that we can actually use them in…

  • Inquisitors – Fifth Brother and Seventh Sister

    Inquisitors – Fifth Brother and Seventh Sister

    The latest expansion to the Star Wars Legion game came out on Friday, with the Inquisitors, Fifth Brother and Seventh Sister. As is typical, I acquired a set of the models, and set about prepping them for use in our games. Fortunately, both figures have a fairly basic paint scheme, so this did not really…

  • Legion Episode 073

    Legion Episode 073

    Our latest battle report is currently processing in the YouTube engine and should be available later this morning for all Supporters (or Friday for everyone else). If you care to support our efforts, consider Joining on YouTube for early access and a few other perks. This one brings us to 73 battle reports in the…

  • Traveller TTRPG

    Traveller TTRPG

    Now that our second Pathfinder campaign is wrapped up, we turn our attention to the start of our proposed Traveller/Shadowrun combo game. The setting is the Traveller universe – it is well developed and expansive and grounded enough in reality to have a reasonable awareness by the group. Plus, we can limit the exploration rate…

  • The Carrion Crown campaign is concluded

    The Carrion Crown campaign is concluded

    After 3 years, we have wrapped up the Carrion Crown TTRPG campaign. We started this storyline back in the summer of 2021, and finished the conclusion yesterday in March 2024. 52 sessions of adventure, at approximately 5 hours per session, bringing the total to just under 200 hours of entertainment and content. I was going…