Author: Halfling13

  • Axis and Allies Global

    Axis and Allies Global

    After having played Twilight Imperium the last few years, we were looking for something new to play, to break up the pattern. After some debate, we settled on Axis and Allies as a long-format game for many players (currently aiming at 9). And of course, since we don’t do much small, I opted for the…

  • Mordheim tabletop battles have begun

    Mordheim tabletop battles have begun

    At long last, we officially kicked off our Mordheim efforts, revisiting a game that hasn’t seen action in 25 years. Mordheim was published by Games Workshop back near 2000, and very popular with our group, but went out of print after a few years. Recently, there has been a surge of interest, and with the…

  • Revised Paint Rack design and Lightburn files

    Revised Paint Rack design and Lightburn files

    Had a bit of inspiration yesterday and have been working to revise my previous paint storage rack. The prior design was workable – I have several on my desk currently. However, it was based around 1/8″ plywood, and rather finicky to assemble. As one of my earlier laser cutting designs, I would say it was…

  • YouTube support is now available

    YouTube support is now available

    Experimenting a bit with the options for YouTube Memberships, to allow for support from the growing audience. I have had a Patreon site configured for quite some time, but the level of support there is minimal to non-existent. I don’t really expect it to be much different on the YouTube mechanics, but it at least…

  • The Enemy Within

    The Enemy Within

    No new episode of the Enemy Within campaign today, as we deal with illness for players and multiple schedule conflicts. We were set to start the next chapter (The Horned Rat), with a new set of characters to replace those that have retired, as well as potentially a new player. This chapter continues the ongoing…