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Kingmaker preparations

We are rapidly approaching the start of our new Pathfinder campaign, using the Kingmaker adventure path (the revised and updated version for Pathfinder 2e). Artwork for the sessions is being finalized, and characters are just about done. Will be an interesting mix of characters, I have challenged all the players to play some class they have not played before, so the entire group dynamic is being shuffled around.
For the 7 players, I have most of the ancestries and classes, and a few of the names, as summarized below.
- Keith – Goblin Druid
- Jenny – Elf Rogue (Marra)
- Craig – Human Cleric of Abadar
- Carter – Orc Magus
- Jason – Elf Barbarian (Fenris)
- Ben P – Human Ranger (Pink Pirate)
- Ben W – Automaton Inventor (Otto)
Our campaign kicks off on June 2, with a bi-weekly Sunday schedule. Episodes should be posted by the following Friday, per our typical schedule.
I am also considering working on a campaign intro type video, something similar to my old Rise of the Runelords intro (which still gets solid traffic), just haven’t had inspiration yet on the format.