T-47 Airspeeder

Second of my most recent projects is finally painting the T-47 airspeeder, something that has been basic grey since I first started with Legion. This was painted in Army Painter Spaceship Grey, with Citadel Black Templar contrast on the rear end and any mechanicals, as well as the windows to blacken them out. Using some tape, I marked out and then painted the red stripe on the sides and front, which was then stippled with a light Spaceship Grey again for the chipping. Finally, the entire piece was given a coat of my home-made dark wash, adding to the shadows and details, and properly “dirtying” up the unit. Overall, very happy with how this one turned out, though my hand could have been a bit steadier on the cockpit.

I did notice that I am missing the harpoon gun on the back of the speeder – I am sure it is around somewhere, likely in a bits box. Once located, a simple Black Templar coat will bring it in line, and it is easy to add to the assembly.

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