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Kingmaker campaign

Since we wrapped up the Extinction Curse and the Carrion Crown campaigns, our group has been eager to know what the next story is. At this point, I am looking to run the full Kingmaker campaign as the next major adventure. This is one that we attempted a long time ago, but only ran the first few sessions before scheduling killed off the game.
This campaign will be run using 2nd Edition Pathfinder, specifically the Core revision of the rules, and managed thru the full Foundry VTT module. Characters of course will be 1st level with standard gear, and hopefully progress thru the full story.
Resuming our standard calendar, this will be bi-weekly on Sundays, most likely starting early June (due to other schedule issues). I am going to start working on graphics and background materials, since I will certainly be recording the sessions again. Based on past history, this will be another 3 year commitment.
For many of our players, this will be their 3rd or 4th long term campaign, so I am considering them all veterans at this point, not needing mechanics guidance or help.
Given our past campaigns of 9+ players, I am restricting this one to a more manageable 7 players. Not trying to kick anyone out, just need to streamline the processes a bit better to avoid the natural slowness of the large group.
If you are interested in following the chronicle, subscribe to our channel on YouTube for the latest news and updates – we would be eager for your feedback and engagement. This is also a good time to catch up on our other storylines.
I continue to be impressed by this group, who began their gaming efforts way back in 2016 with the Rise of the Runelords campaign. Not only did we have a group of 10 players, but almost every one made it thru the entire storyline and it became the first full-length campaign I had ever finished. Since then, we have finished two additional ones entirely (Extinction Curse, Carrion Crown), and had one or two decent attempts (Kingmaker, Age of Ashes).