Star Wars Legion, Competition Season 01

Changing up the format of the Star Wars Legion somewhat and planning a competitive season. With the posting of our final “training” game tomorrow, all our current players are now familiar enough with the game to be competitive and on their own. As such, we will be wiping the scoreboard clean, and then battling for dominance.

Format is simple enough, play the games as normal, but win and loss credit for each game is crediting to each participating army faction. Then each player is free to alter armies or even factions as desired, while contributing to the overall score. May get more formalized later, but for now, this feels like it will work for our games.

My goal is to have at least 4 games for each faction combination, likely more, depending on how things proceed.

For now, posted are the final tallies for the pre-season warmup, which includes the results of the game posting tomorrow.

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