With the acquisition of the 3d Printer, my son’s big ask was for a prop for use during our gaming sessions.  Since he is currently playing a Necromancer in our Pathfinder campaign, he of course wanted a skull to show off.  And since I am always up for a challenge, we opted for not just a small skull, but the largest one that this printer can handle.  For extra challenge, we opted to print it in temperature-sensitive PLA, so that it would change color with body heat.  We could not find a good combo (he wanted white to red – there is only red to white), so we settled for a blue to white transformation to represent an “ice” skull.

35 hours of printing later, and I can happily say that it was a very good success.  The skull weighs in at just over 500 grams, so it was a lot of filament, but it is definitely impressive.  The color changing aspect actually works very well, and as hoped for, it is blue at room temperature and white when held.  I have posted a timelapse of the build on YouTube below, though admittedly my camera angle was not ideal.  And posted here are a couple of the pictures.

If you want your own version, I used the files at http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2303986, by Taran3D.  It was printed at a resolution of 0.15 mm, with an infill of 20%.

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