Tag: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay

  • Revised intro for Warhammer FRP

    Revised intro for Warhammer FRP

    As I mentioned in my recent Viewport, I have been working on a revision for the intro credits to our Warhammer FRP storyline. The one we were using were very basic, since they were created years ago at this point. To me, they were very dated and basic, I have learned a lot about Davinci…

  • Fall Schedule

    You may have noticed a drop off in content recently, which seems to be an annual occurrence. Each fall, around October and November, life becomes rather busy with sports, band, and other family activities, and our ability to schedule gaming sessions drops off. I have also taken on some new roles with work, which are…

  • The Barbarian of Vessille

    In our ongoing Warhammer FRP gaming group (full session videos on YouTube), the party is currently attending the annual Carnival celebration in Middenheim. Part of the Enemy Within campaign material is a great amount of events and details around the calendar of events for the 10 day festival, along with the notable NPCs that are…

  • Surge in YouTube

    With my recent re-organization of the YouTube channels into a more focused format, I have been seeing a surge in interest in our Star Wars Legion content. Admittedly I didn’t post any game sessions over the holidays, so there was a bit of a lull, but with new sessions going live, we have added a…

  • Warhammer Week

    With our current Enemy Within campaign, the group managed to get themselves in a tight spot and were forced to separate when fleeing from Altdorf. This has resulted in different groups, playing at different times, with a split adventure. It has been very entertaining – each group has managed to find their own problems –…