Tag: Star Wars

  • More Cosmetics

    More Cosmetics

    Another round of cosmetic changes to the site, I was still not satified with the prior layout. This is now using the standard “2024” template that comes with WordPress, and my ability to learn/adapt to the new Block-styling format is improving. If you notice anything that looks strange, let me know, it might be stable…

  • Geonosians


    Last Friday, the new Geonosian expansions for Star Wars Legion were released, and as a challenge, the family inspired me to acquire and paint the figures before the end of the weekend. Challenge accepted, the painting wasn’t really that difficult, though I admittedly cut several corners. The harder part was assembly, the models are multiple…

  • New content arriving tomorrow

    New content arriving tomorrow

    A lot of new content publishing to YouTube tomorrow, with the first part of our Legion tournament finale (Empire vs Rebels). This ended up being a 3v3 1800 point mega-battle, so we are breaking it into multiple sessions due to the length. Rounds 1 and 2 will be available tomorrow. New sessions of both Warhammer…

  • Etsy Update

    Hasn’t been much growth or focus on our Etsy presence, but I am happy to say that I consider it a success. Though our product listings are small, there is an audience for them, and I have sold a handful of physical products. This has encouraged me to start expanding the options, I have added…

  • YouTube milestone

    Within the last couple of days, we have hit yet another milestone, and reached 600 subscribers on our Tabletop channel. For YouTube, this is a small audience, but for our little hobby project, this is massive. My thanks and appreciation to everyone who has subscribed, and especially to our regulars who comment and provide feedback.…