Tag: Holidays

  • Happy Holidays

    Taking a week or two off of work (hopefully), and likely will be a bit more spotty for updates over the next week or two, due to the holidays. Whatever festivals you celebrate, enjoy the holiday season and time with the family. Stay safe, and best wishes.

  • Holiday Shopping

    Trying a new strategy this year, since the kids are old enough to start taking responsibility for presents. For each of them, I gave them a task of making a list of presents they wanted to find for other people – parents, relatives, each other, etc. For both, I gave them a basic price range,…

  • Scrapping the chocolate

    Seems at this point, at least for the holidays, I am abandoning the plans to mold chocolate dice. Although I still have my template ready, once I found that the silicon had expired, I simply have not found an economical replacement option. Most suppliers are fairly expensive, especially for the volume I will need for…

  • Home again

    Home again, after another week of travel, and ready for the next couple of weeks and the holidays. Finalizing the shopping this weekend and next, in between our gaming schedule. This Sunday we have our next episode of the Age of Ashes, which should give me plenty to work on. Over the actual break, I…

  • Chocolate Mold

    Inspired by some videos I saw online, I am trying out my skill at creating chocolate dice. Step one, find a bunch of old dice, and create a mold. From here, I can cast the set in food-safe silicon, and then create a negative to eventually fill with chocolate. A bit of time in the…