Tag: Funding

  • Patreon reactivated

    Years ago, I attempted to get a Patreon page started and running, to help fund these activities. Of course, with my small audience, it never really gained any momentum. Honestly, I never really produced enough content to justify any interest anyway – so it wasn’t much of a surprise. At this stage, I believe the…

  • Amazon Associates

    Seems the timer for my Amazon associates account is winding down. This is an option provided by Amazon, which trades advertising (in the form of associate links) for a small amount of revenue. Basically, if you follow a link from this site, and purchase an item from Amazon, I get a fraction of a penny.…

  • Patreon Funding

    So I think I finally have a handle on this podcast idea, and just need to now go thru and convert prior video content into audio-only podcasts.  As part of that, I will need to record some intros and closing sections, since much of that is currently a static image in the videos. As part…