Tag: Cub Scouts

  • The Wormwood sails again

    It has been many years, but my model of The Wormwood finally had another use – as the centerpiece for our Cub Scout pirate-themed Crossover ceremony.  This is a paper-craft model I built several years ago, in preparation for the Pathfinder campaign, Skull and Shackles.  Unfortunately, the campaign died off after a bit into the…

  • Green Screen test

    As mentioned previously, I am the den leader for an eager group of Webelos cub scouts.  Our current project is the creation of a collection of small films as part of the film making adventure, something that I have a minimal amount of experience with.  As part of this project, due to a non-existent budget,…

  • Green Screen Magic

    Part of my side activities includes being the Den Leader for a growing den of Webelos Cub Scouts.  Our current activity involves making a movie, to demonstrate the traits of being a scout, an activity that the boys have eagerly been working on.  The basic premise is simple, develop a script and film a short…

  • Catapults ready for summer camp

    As a project for the Cub Scouts, for this year’s summer camp, I am constructing a pair of sling-shot style catapults for the kids.  This weekend was the final time I have to finish them, and I managed to complete all the pieces and do at least a test assembly.  The real test of course…

  • The weekend project

    Between rebuilding my FreeNAS server, editing gaming videos, traveling for work, and various other activities, my schedule is rather full these days.  The latest challenge is an ask from the Cub Scouts to build a functional set of “rubber band” style catapults for use during Day Camp this year.  Since that is rapidly approaching, and…