• When the Fun ceases to be Fun

    One challenge many gaming groups face is when real-life feelings, biases, rivalry’s, etc start to bleed into the game. Over my many years of gaming, I have seen quite a few extremes. In some cases, it disrupted the group and either the campaign folded, or the players no longer participated. In other cases, some discussion…

  • Warhammer Week

    With our current Enemy Within campaign, the group managed to get themselves in a tight spot and were forced to separate when fleeing from Altdorf. This has resulted in different groups, playing at different times, with a split adventure. It has been very entertaining – each group has managed to find their own problems –…

  • Video progress

    My experimentation with release schedules seems to be helping somewhat with the visibility and engagement of the YouTube videos. Specifically, our most recent Battle Report (Episode II, Republic vs Empire) is now my fastest growing battle report, crossing the 1000 views line after only 5 days. Most of the other battle reports have hit the…

  • Fleet Troopers

    Got inspired over the weekend and worked on painting up my Rebel Fleet Troopers. Overall, I am rather happy with them. I also spent some side time to film the various stages, I am working on video content for that as well, if I can settle on a format that I am comfortable with –…

  • Patreon

    Have you had a burning desire to support the channel and efforts? If so, you are in luck, I have revised and updated, then re-launched the Patreon site. Now available is the option to support the channel in various tiers and brings along with it both early access to videos, access to Discord with special…


3d Printing Age of Ashes Armada battle report Black Plague Carrion Crown computer Empire Extinction Curse Gaming Hero System Legion Painting Paizo Pathfinder Pathfinder 2e Podcast Rise of the Runelords RPG schedule Separatists Shadowrun Star Wars Terrain video website wordpress X-Wing youtube Zombicide