Category: Tabletop

  • Mordheim tabletop battles have begun

    Mordheim tabletop battles have begun

    At long last, we officially kicked off our Mordheim efforts, revisiting a game that hasn’t seen action in 25 years. Mordheim was published by Games Workshop back near 2000, and very popular with our group, but went out of print after a few years. Recently, there has been a surge of interest, and with the…

  • Star Wars Legion (069) – Empire vs Separatist

    Star Wars Legion (069) – Empire vs Separatist

    Our latest episode and battle report, a battle between the Empire and the Separatists, featuring the new Geonosian models. This is the first of several video experimenting with some new camera and presentation layouts – based on feedback a relatively unsuccessful test. Thad plays the Separatists against my Empire force, and the battle ended up…

  • Legion episodes

    Legion episodes

    With the websites now stable again after all the updates, I have been able to refocus in our on our ongoing Legion content. After the conclusion of our house tournament, we switched over to a slightly different format, and started live streaming our battles. Participation has been reasonable, though low, which is to be expected,…

  • More Cosmetics

    More Cosmetics

    Another round of cosmetic changes to the site, I was still not satified with the prior layout. This is now using the standard “2024” template that comes with WordPress, and my ability to learn/adapt to the new Block-styling format is improving. If you notice anything that looks strange, let me know, it might be stable…

  • Geonosians


    Last Friday, the new Geonosian expansions for Star Wars Legion were released, and as a challenge, the family inspired me to acquire and paint the figures before the end of the weekend. Challenge accepted, the painting wasn’t really that difficult, though I admittedly cut several corners. The harder part was assembly, the models are multiple…