Category: Tabletop

  • Wargame Widgets

    Wargame Widgets

    If you play tabletop strategy games, you likely know the challenge of identifying different squads of infantry. Either the models are the same build, the weapons are similar, or the painting is similar, and when the units get bunched together, it is hard to separate which soldiers go with which squad. Or you don’t have…

  • Bolt Action

    Bolt Action

    Recently, I have been inspired to branch out into new gaming, because of course I have nothing but free time and lots of disposable income (neither accurate). I have always been curious about the Bolt Action tabletop wargame, which as I understand has been going strong for many years. At this point, at the end…

  • Legion Battle Report 090

    Legion Battle Report 090

    Perhaps it is the release day, or perhaps it is the new content (Bad Batch and the new ruleset), but our latest battle report is doing very well on the analytics. We have smashed thru our prior records of views, comments, and new subscribers for the first 24 hours. I believe we have also already…

  • Star Wars Legion Dashboard

    Star Wars Legion Dashboard

    The big news yesterday was the release of the new ruleset for Star Wars Legion, and with it a fairly significant change in the mechanics and process. In particular, it invalidated our current game tracking dashboard, due to the new cards. Not to fear though, it inspired me to dive in and make it new…

  • Star Wars Legion, Battle Report 088

    Star Wars Legion, Battle Report 088

    Our latest battle report is live, with a traditional battle of Separatists vs Republic. Craig’s droids take on the clones of Carter in a Bombing Run mission, on the fictional planet of Hylara. This is one of our last reports using the now outdated rules (new Legion rules went into effect today), so we will…

  • Legion Battle Report 086 – Rebels vs Separatist

    Legion Battle Report 086 – Rebels vs Separatist

    We posted the second of three battle reports focused on training Andy, our Rebel player, last week Friday. This battle was against Craig, another of our less experienced players, playing the Separatist droids. Unfortunately, due to extremely slow game play, the recording session ran long and we had to call the game early rather than…

  • Legion Battle Report 085

    Legion Battle Report 085

    Our latest battle report is uploading and processing on YouTube currently, available immediately for members, or on Friday for everyone as normal. This was a step back for our group, a chance to help one of our players really learn the tricks and tactics of their chosen faction. Andy is one of our friendlier players…

  • Star Wars Legion Training Missions

    Star Wars Legion Training Missions

    Amongst our group of Legion players, several have managed quite a bit of experience, and some have lingered behind. This is a game which on the surface is fairly straightforward, but due to the keyword mechanics, can be very deep and detailed. In particular, there are a number on non-intuitive rules that run in unexpected…