Category: Shadowrun

  • Stress Mechanics

    Following the recent Gencon convention, I obtained a copy of Mothership, which is one I have been considering for quite some time. I have heard a great many good things about it, and I am always looking for newer systems with unique twists to the game. Happily, I was not disappointed, and I am working…

  • Pirates of Drinax, Episode 2

    Pirates of Drinax, Episode 2

    As we shift into a more routine summer schedule, our various live-play roleplaying sessions are starting to settle down on schedule. We were able to fit in the second session of our Pirates of Drinax campaign, our home-grown Franken-system of Shadowrun and Traveller, with the group continuing their exploration of the Trojan Reach. Having ventured…

  • Viewport #5, June 1 2024

    Viewport #5, June 1 2024

    Latest news and happening with our weekly video blog, the Viewport (part of our efforts to establish TableTopTube), is now posted and available. Check in with our group weekly, on recent activities, behind the scenes information, and upcoming plans. This week, we had our planned group bowling trip, and posted battle report 081 for Legion.…

  • Pirates of Drinax, episode 1

    Pirates of Drinax, episode 1

    A successful launch of the new campaign, with all 6 players available for a long Saturday session. As normal, the session was recorded, and will be available this coming Friday for viewers. Subscribe to the YouTube channel for notifications and awareness of releases, and to help support us. We started the campaign using the old…

  • Pirates of Drinax

    Pirates of Drinax

    Our next campaign is kicked off, likely this coming weekend (video available the following week). This is our combination Traveller/Shadowrun campaign, with the group experiencing the Trojan Reach with the Pirates of Drinax campaign. Character generation is already done, and it was a lot of fun, I think the group agrees that this was probably…

  • Traveller TTRPG

    Traveller TTRPG

    Now that our second Pathfinder campaign is wrapped up, we turn our attention to the start of our proposed Traveller/Shadowrun combo game. The setting is the Traveller universe – it is well developed and expansive and grounded enough in reality to have a reasonable awareness by the group. Plus, we can limit the exploration rate…

  • Traveller

    Just about a week or two ago, we had our first Traveller/Shadowrun campaign start, with a one-shot I entitled “Horizons”. The primary focus was to experience the mechanics, understand the general power level, and see which systems worked or needed adjustments. Our intent is to use the Shadowrun 6th edition ruleset in a Traveller-based setting,…

  • Horizon

    With the conclusion of our Extinction Curse campaign, we are preparing for the start of our replacement storyline. Originally, the plan was to attempt a Superhero storyline, using the Hero System RPG. That was dropped relatively recently, in favor of a more group-favored Science Fiction campaign. Thus, the Horizon campaign was spawned. The basic concept…