Its been a while since I updated and posted on this site, but I am still here. With the holidays, work schedules and various activities, I have admittedly let the website itself sit idle for too long. Part of this is the struggle for content, but at least a portion is also driven by laziness. Since I can’t fully automate all the postings across multiple social media locations, something has to give, and the simple old-school website updates tend to be the area. Youtube continues strong, Patreon is maintained, and even Instagram gets the occasional picture update (when I manage to get some painting in). Right now, the only auto-posting I have configured is WordPress to Mastodon – the rest are unique actions.

What I really need is a way to post in one location, and have everything else updated at the same time, with the same content – but that solution seems to be very elusive. If you have any similar challenges, and have found a solution, let me know. Even if it is technically challenging, some hope is better than the same update in 4 or 5 different locations.

Meanwhile, I am going to work to re-establish this habit, and try to post again regularly. Perhaps I may shift my attention somewhat, and focus more on the side projects and efforts, or it may just be more cut and paste.

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