Miniature Monday – Legion X-Wing

Expanding my Star Wars: Legion terrain with several models in progress. First completed is a scale model of an X-Wing, complete with movable wings, landing gear, and a removable R2 druid. Ideally, yes, I would paint the model, but realistically it is not a high priority.

The model is available on Thingiverse, and scaled specifically at 1/64. I upsized it to 133% to approximately Legion scale figures (not sure of the exact math, but several forum postings indicated the scaling).

The detail on the model is impressive, and I was particularly impressed by the creativity in the moving parts. Everything fit together on the first attempt, though I did end up having to reprint a couple of pieces (I broke the front landing gear, and needed to reprint open air intakes).

My plan has been to use this as a terrain piece for Legion, though now that it is complete, I may draft it instead for a desk decoration instead. With the virus halting all office work however I don’t need to make that decision for some time.

Timelapse video available now on YouTube –

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