Back to work

I have been rather relaxed recently, and enjoyed the last two weeks of vacation from work.  Initially, this time was set aside to go to summer camp with my sons, one session for the first week, and a second session with both during the second week.  Due to various reasons, the second week was cancelled, so we used the opportunity for relaxing around the home along with a short trip to Columbus.  However, all good things come to an end, and yesterday I had to return to work.

And I immediately realized why I had needed a vacation – it was a very long day.  In my absence, several servers systems had broken, and a very critical one died on Sunday.  This resulting in my teams needing to fully rebuild the computer and all the software, a process hampered by our corporate processes and “efficiencies”.  To add complexity, I was also required to start a laptop migration for my work laptop, which also went way off the tracks.  The relatively simple 8 hour day turned into a marathon 24 hour day, which me needing to stay up for the night to both watch and urge my laptop along, and to manage and report on the status of the computer rebuild.  Happily, these tasks wrapped up around 3 AM and 8 AM respectively, but then of course I have a regular work day to deal with immediately after.  So as I type this, I am going on about 3 hours of sleep in the last two days.

Rather looking forward to my next long vacation already…

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