Month: July 2017

  • My credit card went on vacation

    Had a bit of excitement over the weekend, when I was notified that my credit card was being used in San Francisco to take Lyft trips.  Normally not a concern, except that I have not been to San Francisco in many years.  From what I can tell, during our recent trip to Disney World, our…

  • Facebook connections

    Finally got around to configuring a Facebook presence for the site, and adding the various links.  May or may not add to the traffic of the site, but if nothing else, it continues the experiment.  I doubt there will be anything unique on Facebook that isn’t posted here, but if you prefer that format, visit…

  • Rise of the Runelords, Chapter 3.6

    Finally managed to finished editing the last game session, and actually have it published a day early on my schedule.  By the time this post goes live, it should be uploaded onto YouTube for viewing. As usual, if you are interested in any of the materials used, please use one of my affiliate links below…

  • The great move is beginning

    Although we have previously worked on a number of home repair and improvement projects, it isn’t really a move until the boxes arrive.  Our plan this year has been to sell the house, and move to a larger home, to fit the growing family and collections.  However, until recently, not much has actually progressed.  So…

  • Video editing

    Finally working on the latest round of Pathfinder videos, despite my chronic procrastination.  Unfortunately, it is a long process, so best case would be to finish the first video by tomorrow.  More than likely it will be Friday instead, or Saturday.  Then I have content from Zombicide to do as well, though that one isn’t…