Month: February 2017

  • Lego Batman

    Taking the kids to see Lego Batman this evening, hopefully going to enjoy it as much as the reviews seem to imply.  I always like Batman, and who doesn’t like Lego, so it should be fun.  Not much of a post otherwise, most of my day has been focused on work related tasks, so not…

  • Rise of the Runelords, Chapter 2.9

    After many game sessions, we finally managed the finale of Chapter 2, with the group facing the snake behind the scenes.  In the previous session, the group had tracked the villain’s plot to the Shadow Clock, located in the Underbridge region of Magnimar.  After dealing with the golem guardian at the base, they ascended the…

  • Pathfinder, creating a magic item inventory

    During our ongoing Pathfinder campaign, with the large 10 player group, we encountered a challenge.  The group, having advanced a bit in levels, and acquired a bit of treasure, entered the city of Magnimar.  Very soon, the thought became “what can we spend out money on?”  For an experienced group, not a big deal, everyone…

  • Its the little things that give me happiness

    When we play Armada, one difficulty we have faced is that the damage cards, which sit on the side of the table in a small stack, have a tendency to get knocked over and slide around.  Especially since I have them sleeved in plastic, they are a bit slippery at times. To solve this, I…

  • Yesterday’s post was not invisible…

    Since my prior post regarded Invisibility and house rules in my gaming, you might be tempted to think yesterday’s post is missing since it was invisible.  In reality, I cant claim that, I simply didn’t have time to post anything thanks to my day job (which is filling my nights as well).