Tag: Editing

  • My editing process, part 1

    In a number of my recent posts, I have been linking to YouTube videos on my channel, or talking about a lot of my challenges both with video and audio.  In general though, I haven’t really talked about the process by which I actually go thru the editing.  That being said, my process is still…

  • About the DSLR

    So, I was finally able to get some time, and as planned, worked with the wife’s DSLR camera, in an attempt to improve the video quality of the various projects.  Dedicated power cord so that the battery doesn’t die – check.  Large enough memory card to hold many hours of video – check.  H1 Zoom…

  • The pencil box, revisited

    As part of my ongoing efforts with videos, I recorded my recent wood working project to craft an art pencil box for the wife.  Following the project, I had several hours of footage, which I finally managed to start to tackle last night.  Audio is non-existent – the video camera mic is terrible, and I…