Tag: Characters

  • Hero System – The Heroes

    Last week, most of the posts were about the background details for the characters, and the history of the game setting.  This weekend, we finally managed to start the game, and introduce the characters to each other in a very basic scenario (a robbery at an electronics mega-store).  The main purpose was really to get…

  • Hero System – Tarot

    The last of the character backgrounds, in preparation for our upcoming Hero System campaign.  Tarot is the mentalist of the group, a charlatan fortune teller before gaining true abilities to predict possible futures and manipulate the minds of other people. For each character, these are drafts, some of the details may change before the game…

  • Hero System – Sgt Fury

    This another of the character backgrounds, in preparation for our upcoming Hero System campaign.  Nightshade is the martial artist of the group, a military hero who was forced to end his career after suffering severe injury.  He has adapted, and resumed his efforts to protect people, by joining with the group.. For each character, these…

  • Hero System – Nightshade

    This another of the character backgrounds, in preparation for our upcoming Hero System campaign.  Nightshade is the energy blaster of the group, a rebellious teenager who excels at computer programming, and can manipulate electronics and computers at a distance. For each character, these are drafts, some of the details may change before the game actually…

  • Hero System – Lord British

    This another of the character backgrounds, in preparation for our upcoming Hero System campaign.  Lord British is the brick of the group, a construction robot granted artificial intelligence after being used in programming experiments. For each character, these are drafts, some of the details may change before the game actually starts as I continue to…