• Swoop Riders

    Experimenting with some new video formats, specifically focusing on miniature assembly and painting processes. Not sure how much I will stick with it, or if I will even like the format, but with the new Swoop Riders for Star Wars Legion, I am giving some time to the effort. My basic plan is to assemble…

  • Legion – Republic vs Separatists

    Episode 7 of our Legion games is now live on YouTube, for any viewers interested. I have to apologize in advance for this game, this particular combination of players has a bad habit of very long turns and slow decision making. As a result, our typical 3–4-hour game time routinely runs 6+ hours. In this…

  • Halfling13 Discord

    As promised, I had been planning to do something to celebrate our 100-subscriber milestone and have settled on simply opening up our Discord server for anyone interested. We use it currently for gaming news, schedules, and for some of the live conversation during our gaming sessions. For the most part, I expect it will only…

  • Travel

    Not much to say today, except that I did manage to reach the 100-subscriber mark on Sunday. Since then, the number of followers has continued to grow, which is great and welcome. I enjoy all the feedback being posted on the videos and have corrected a few rules interpretations that we are doing wrong. More…

  • Legion – Republic vs Rebels

    Episode 6 of our ongoing Star Wars: Legion Battle reports should now be posted and live on YouTube. This is a Breakthru battle between Republic and Rebel forces, set during Limited Visibility, and using Long March deployment. George was our Republic player, using a slightly adjusted Rex force focused on rapid deployment. His units managed…


3d Printing Age of Ashes Armada battle report Black Plague Carrion Crown computer Empire Extinction Curse Gaming Hero System Legion Painting Paizo Pathfinder Pathfinder 2e Podcast Rise of the Runelords RPG schedule Separatists Shadowrun Star Wars Terrain video website wordpress X-Wing youtube Zombicide