Category: Video Content

  • Twitch printing

    Entirely new side project, I am working on a way to auto-stream 3d printing progress via Twitch. Not that there is a big audience to watch a printer run for 24 hours, but there might be some curiousity. Really, it is just an exercise to see if I can do it – I already have…

  • Stream improvements

    In reviewing the video for the last Carrion Crown stream, I was dismayed to discover that the audio was rather poor. In general, the volume was too low. My own voice was passable and could be understood, and some of the players were quiet but still workable. About half the table though was effectively speaking…

  • The Skipping Song

    Historically, nursery rhymes have always been a bit creepy – there are plenty of times where fairly horrible events eventually became children’s songs, echoed thru the generations. The Carrion Crown campaign takes advantage of this, and uses a similar pattern to provide clues and context to the historical events of the story. Long before, there…

  • Streaming content

    At this point, I am comfortable with our streaming schedule and the content itself – we have successfully streamed several sessions, including 2 of our Extinction Curse and 1 of our Carrion Crown campaigns. Certainly there are still technical challenges to be had, but the content itself is solid. These are published directly to YouTube,…

  • Final Tech Test stream

    Scheduled a final technology test, utilizing our Extinction Curse campaign, for this coming Sunday, 2 PM to 7 PM EST. This is an unlisted YouTube live stream, not looking for a larger audience, but I am eager to hear about any feedback both pro and con with the configuration. My bigger concern is really at…