Category: Ramblings

  • Custom YouTube URL

    With our recent surge in subscribers on YouTube, we have managed to break the 100 barrier. A small accomplishment, but a very welcome one. And one of the minor perks this brings is the option for a vanity URL for YouTube. I had been working around this limitation with a URL redirect (, which in…

  • Halfling13 Discord

    As promised, I had been planning to do something to celebrate our 100-subscriber milestone and have settled on simply opening up our Discord server for anyone interested. We use it currently for gaming news, schedules, and for some of the live conversation during our gaming sessions. For the most part, I expect it will only…

  • Travel

    Not much to say today, except that I did manage to reach the 100-subscriber mark on Sunday. Since then, the number of followers has continued to grow, which is great and welcome. I enjoy all the feedback being posted on the videos and have corrected a few rules interpretations that we are doing wrong. More…

  • Subscriber update

    The slow march of subscriber growth continues on, and I am happy to say that due to our recent Legion content, the channel is starting to grow more rapidly. On average, we have added 1-2 followers per day, which isn’t quite viral, but certainly very encouraging. We are even rapidly approaching my first personal milestone,…

  • Miniatures give-away

    Gave away the first set of miniatures from our Carrion Crown campaign during the game this weekend, to the current players of the storyline. Since there was only two comments, the giveaway was simple – I gave them the option of how or if to split the figures. They opted to amicably split the pieces,…