Category: Ramblings

  • Workshop organization

    Shifting away from the gaming news to more of a home improvement topic, to show off some of the garage workshop improvements we have been working on. This also doubles as my location for the resin 3d printer, so it is sort of relevant. As is typical, when we moved in, the garage became a…

  • Raspberry Pi and Docker

    Over the years, I have played with and experimented with Virtual Machines in various forms, typically to run Ubuntu or Windows based systems. These were used for either game servers, web servers, file systems, or just for basic experimentation. Currently, I am running one which holds my Home Assistant instance, on an old Windows laptop,…

  • Home Assistant Automation – The Front door is open

    Digging into the code today, to document how I have our door sensors configured, in case this example is useful for anyone else. In our case, we have a set of door sensors (we use YoLink brand, but any Alexa-compatible will work) attached to various doors, including the front. These are configured thru their respective…

  • Home Assistant

    With our new home, I have been diving further and further into home automation, and learning the coding of Home Assistant along the way. Unfortunately, it has a bit of a learning curve, so its not for the casual user, but after a bit of effort (and a lot of youtube videos) I have started…

  • Gaming space

    With our new house, I had grand plans for our new gaming space, as a place to both play my various games and entertain our rather large groups. Part of this is an enhanced and digital table, to streamline maps and terrain for RPGs. I have the giant table, and opted this week to do…