Category: Painting

  • Super Tactical Droid

    A second model I have been working on, and recent acquisition over the holidays, is the recent Super Tactical Droid. The figure was fairly simple to assemble, being just a basic droid, and I opted to paint it in more neutral colors (rather than a special pattern of the named versions). Nothing too fancy here…

  • Painting again

    It has been a while, but with recent gaps in gaming, I am making some more progress on the painting backlog. My son and I are tackling more of the Legion troops, myself with a mix of Rebel and CIS forces, and George working on his Clone army. First up is an unlikely pair of…

  • Rats

    During our recent group painting session, I tackled a few of the resin giant rat figures I had printed, in preparation for use during one of our various games. These had been in my box for several weeks, but I figured it was a good time to try the results of some more Contrast Paints…

  • Miniature Monday – Clorehaven Barn

    Doubt I will be able to maintain it, but going to try to prepare and display terrain and miniatures on a regular schedule, tentatively on Mondays. In concept, these will include a timelapse of the printing process, along with at least a final painting of the figure, terrain piece, or assembly. Again, I expect I…

  • Zenithal Highlighting

    I am no stranger to miniature and terrain painting, but admittedly my technique is fairly traditional (and likely outdated). With my recent acquisition of an airbrush, I am trying to learn and take advantage of the new processes – hopefully to streamline and improve my painting. Basically, my current process is paint a primer, and…