Category: Home Improvements

  • Pi-Hole

    In preparation for the new home, and my plans to improve overall the new networking, I have implemented a virtual server running Pi-Hole. Functionally, Pi-Hole is a software tool that attempts to block all advertisements, similar to a web browser adblocker, except it can be used to block all traffic from all devices on the…

  • Minimal Updates

    As our housing plans go into high gear, the number of updates will continue to drop temporarily. This is partially due to far too many things going on, as well as basic lack of availability of computers. Over the next few weeks, there will be a lot of changes on our home front, then a…

  • New Year, new Internet

    For many years, many more than I can recall, I have always had AT&T for my internet service provider.  They have been a mostly reliable provider, with solid service, decent prices, and the top speeds in my area.  However, they have slipped a bit recently in the speed category and pricing.  Since I work from…

  • Kitchen Remodel

    Missed my post yesterday, because I very simply was too tired, sore, and distracted to do so.  This weekend was our long planned kitchen remodel, in which we planned to replace the rest of the cabinets, fix a number of electrical concerns, and repaint the kitchen.  The theory was a 2 day project, which I…