Category: Gaming

  • Live-play upgrade

    Live-play upgrade

    For quite some time now, as part of our Live-play sessions, we have had a collection of old laptops for the players to interact with the game and Foundry – look up rules, move their character, roll dice, etc. In support of that, I bought a set of the cheapest wireless mice I could find,…

  • Kingmaker 3.05

    Kingmaker 3.05

    Haven’t posted updates on our campaigns in a bit, but several are still ongoing and moving forward. One of our regulars is our Pathfinder Kingmaker campaign, with the group currently trying to keep their kingdom operational, while dealing with Troll raids, in the Rivers Run Red chapter. In recent events, we are making a solid…

  • New options for my Wargame Widgets

    New options for my Wargame Widgets

    Based on customer feedback, I added a new line of colors to my 3d printing and have expanded the Wargame Widget line of unit markers. I am now stocking slightly less common colors of purple, orange, yellow, brown and gray, in addition to the original red, blue, black, white and green. This gave me motivation…

  • Ongoing Warhammer FRP campaign

    Ongoing Warhammer FRP campaign

    The Enemy Within campaign continues weekly, with the current chapter seemingly never ending. Our latest episode posts this morning, and sees the group at the village of Gladbeich, which is dealing with a horrible creature. In the prior session, the group ended up committing to “save the town”, and now are on the hook to…

  • Old-school gaming

    Old-school gaming

    Been pondering some new gaming options around our RPG efforts and considering a switch back from the electronic virtual tabletops and laptops. Foundry VTT is excellent, and has served very well for many years now, and the laptop setup is solid and reliable. Each week, we have several games with Pathfinder and Warhammer FRP that…

  • Clear acrylic AOE templates

    Clear acrylic AOE templates

    When I started getting into Bolt Action, I found that the game still uses Area of Effect templates – something that is absent (and sometimes missed) in Star Wars Legion. Any time an explosive weapon is used, the template is used to determine how many models are affected by the blast. Group up, more damage.…

  • Shadowdark – Crypt of the Everflame

    Shadowdark – Crypt of the Everflame

    Our first seasonal one-shot is on schedule for this coming weekend (November 30), though the plans have changed somewhat. Mothership is still on the schedule, but we opted to start instead with an intro adventure for Shadowdark instead. I am working to update and convert the Crypt of the Everflame storyline (Pathfinder 1st edition, published…

  • New Etsy Product – Vehicle bases

    New Etsy Product – Vehicle bases

    Adding a few new designs to the Etsy collection, as I slowly increase my options. This time it is a set of Vehicle and Terrain bases I designed, since I don’t care for the “free” vehicle placement. Basically, in Bolt Action, infantry figures have a 1 inch base, artillery and heavy weapons have bases of…