• Blog appearance

    Still not happy with the overall appearance and layout of the theme of the site, so you will likely see a few changes happening over the next few weeks when I have time to research. If you have a suggestion for a theme, let me know. Thus far, everything feels either overly complex, far too…

  • Fixing Pretty Permalinks not working

    Solved another problem with the new WordPress implementation – permalinks are now functional again. Everything I found only kept pointing me to reset the .htaccess file, which functionally was irrelevant (but likely viable in a different case. For my issue, the specific problem was that pretty permalinks was broken, but basic permalinks worked fine. The…

  • Site fixes

    Discovered the site was having multiple issues post migration, including a failure of the SSL system and numerous graphics links being off. Those appear to be corrected now, I have fixed the SSL certificates, and with a bit of tinkering updated the various links and media files. Mastodon still is offline, I failed to recognize…

  • Site migration

    I believe I have successfully completed a full site migration, to move off of my prior hosting service. Since the website doesn’t get a lot of traffic, a self-hosted option is more economical. I am hopeful everything has been caught, but if you notice anything missing or non-functional, please let me know. SSL certificates will…

  • Etsy Update

    Hasn’t been much growth or focus on our Etsy presence, but I am happy to say that I consider it a success. Though our product listings are small, there is an audience for them, and I have sold a handful of physical products. This has encouraged me to start expanding the options, I have added…


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