Month: August 2017

  • Death in the Pathfinder campaign

    Had our first death of a character during our Rise of the Runelords campaign, which came as a bit of a shock to most of the group.  Exploring an old structure underneath the Skull’s Crossing dam, they set off a construct guardian, a Skullripper.  The rogue, opening the wrong door at the wrong time, happened…

  • Rise of the Runelords, Chapter 3, part 7

    Finished the video earlier than typical this week, partially due to an abbreviated game session, and partially due to a long travel week for work.  And mainly because I made a focused effort to get it done early, so I can attempt my plans at painting miniatures this next week.

  • New consideration for the painting projects

    If you have been a follower of this site (not sure those exist), then you may have read a couple weeks ago that I was inspired to start painting miniatures again with my recent purchase of Zombicide: Black Plague.  I even went so far as to create a subject-specific YouTube channel to create and post…

  • Video process updates

    A while ago I tried to document and post my process in editing and preparing video content, which of course was immediately obsoleted by myself changing said process.  As such, I have revised the content, and now have it posted as a static page instead.  The intent here is to update the page directly, as…

  • Fan Art

    The game is obviously working when it starts to inspire fan art.  One of our players decided to draw the trolls which recently attempted to eat the group.  Surprisingly accurate to the Pathfinder official artwork, though perhaps not as intimidating as they typically are.  Credit to Ben for his illustration. At the same time, word…